زيت اللافندر Sharme Essential Lavender Natural Essential Oil
رائحة زهرية بلسمية ناعمة وباردة ومنعشة تغرس الهدوء وتزيل التعب والقلق. زيت اللافندر الأساسي يهدئ الجهاز العصبي، ويساعد في علاج الأرق والتوتر. في الحياة اليومية: علاج ممتاز للعث، يتواءم بشكل جيد مع التنظيف الرطب في الداخل، وعند إضافته إلى المنظفات، يزيل الروائح الكريهة .
A soft, cool, fresh balsamic-floral scent that inspires calmness, and eliminates fatigue and anxiety. Lavender essential oil soothes the nervous system, and helps with insomnia and stress. An excellent everyday remedy for clothes moths, copes well with wet indoors cleaning; when added to detergents, it deodorizes and removes odors.
- Essential oil burner – 4-6 drops;
- Essential oil diffuser – 3-4 drops;
- Aromacean – 3 drops.
- Household cleaning products – 2 drops.
Keep it in a dry, dark, cool place out of reach of children and with the lid tightly closed. Pregnant women, nursing mothers and people under medical supervision should consult a doctor. Avoid any contact with eyes, ears and sensitive skin areas. Keep away from fire.
Shelf life: 2 years
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