صابونة بيوتريم بالليمون العضوي BioTrim Lemon-scented organic dishwashing soap
صابون غسيل الأطباق الصديق للبيئة من BioTrim مصنوع من زيوت نباتية طبيعية. بفضل تركيبته المتوازنة، فإنه يتكيف مع الملوثات المختلفة، ويخلق رغوة سميكة، ويزيل بشكل فعال الشحوم والروائح. الصابون آمن تمامًا على بشرة اليدين، حيث يحتوي على مكونات العناية: البانثينول وزيت الشيا.
البضائع التي تتطلب نظام درجة حرارة خاصة.
BioTrim is an eco-friendly dishwashing soap made from natural vegetable oils. Its balanced composition helps it to cope with various types of dirt, creates a thick foam, and effectively removes grease and odors. The soap is completely safe for the skin of the hands, as it contains caring components: panthenol and shea butter.
- Rub soap on a damp dishwashing sponge.
- Wash dishes with a sponge.
- Rinse the dishes thoroughly under running water.
Contraindications: Do not use if you are hypersensitive to the ingredients.
Recommendations for storage and use: Store in dry, closed, well-ventilated rooms at temperatures not below -5 ° C and relative humidity not more than 75%.
Shelf life: 2 years from the date of manufacture.
BioTrim Lemon-scented organic dishwashing soap is essential in the kitchen. Clean dishes, with care for your hands and without harming the environment!
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